Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Autonomy is very much synonymous to freedom and independence. In Ethics, Autonomy is respect for an individual's right to self-determination and it enhances his/her personal growth. This means that the individual can have the right to self-govern and have independence. The not-so-positive side to this is that the consequences in this actions are big, and if the individual cannot decide for him/herself then it might result to failure or negative feedback. An example of this would be the head of the family, the father. The father is the one who decides for the family, whether good or bad. The father should know what is best, and by knowing what is best for the family, he will also become independent and will have freedom in the family. If then, for example, one of the family members get sick, the father, who is usually the head, will take charge. The mother will usually nurse the sick member with her motherly love, and it is usually the father's role whether or not, to call the doctor. The father in this example uses autonomy and that whether the sick member will live or not is up to the father, followed by the doctor and the mother. very stressed... to be continued...