Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Health Ethics 2

Health Ethics 2.... to be continued

Health Ethics 1

I want to talk mainly about Ethics. Ethics means choosing the right thing in any given situation. Such actions can only be done based on knowledge, and that studying about ethics is what we're here for.

Since we're nurses, we have to deal with Health Ethics. This is where we learn the morality of acts, the acts that should be done, and the reasoning behind those acts. An example of this is the Stem cell production. Stems cells, as we see it, will produce better results and better livelihood techniques. But then, a question was raised, "Isn't this the same as cloning?". A debate was held whether to continue stem cell or not. The majority's answer was to stop stem cell production, as it was another type of cloning and that we(as humans) do not have the right to manipulate another man's life. This example falls on the Bioethics issues, as stem cell production deals with the recent advance in technology.

My say about this is that i agree with the decision made by the majority. We should not manipulate the lives and the souls of one's being. Doing this should promote better health and wellness behaviors, because it was us who caused the pollution(though it was our forefathers who started this) and it should be us who should fix this.